Driving Transformation in Procurement: Rebecca Simpson on Leadership, Inclusion, and Breaking Barriers

Rebecca Simpson CPO Royal Mail

With over 25 years of experience spanning multiple industries and global markets, Rebecca Simpson is a proven leader in procurement and supply chain transformation. Having successfully transitioned across manufacturing, services, energy, engineering, and infrastructure, she has built high-performing teams, led complex global procurement functions, and delivered strategic business outcomes.

In this thought leadership piece, Rebecca reflects on navigating a male-dominated industry, the cultural shifts that have improved gender diversity, and why authentic leadership and performance-driven cultures are key to success. She shares her perspective on the power of networks, the importance of taking risks, and how leaders can foster truly inclusive and equitable workplaces. Her insights serve as a compelling call to action for both emerging leaders and organizations looking to drive meaningful change in procurement and beyond.

Rebecca, looking back at the start of your career, what were the biggest challenges you faced as a woman in a traditionally male-dominated industry, and how did you overcome them?

When I first started as a graduate buyer (many years ago!) within a male centric global manufacturing business I honestly didn’t know anything different. I guess I was fortunate in that I grew up in a family with 3 brothers and undertook a BSc degree that also attracted mainly male students, so it was an environment not entirely unfamiliar. I found very quickly that my approach was often different to male colleagues but equally that it got great results, and I was recognised early in my career and supported by several key mentors and was able to progress quickly. I think key was having my own set of values and a confidence that I could deal with situations. I did on occasion find myself on the end of unpleasant jokes, but I found I was able to deal with them through humour and focussing on the job. I found it equally difficult not only being female but often the youngest in the meeting room and so I would ensure I was well prepared to maximise my impact in a situation.#

What has been the most significant shift in workplace culture or industry dynamics that has helped improve gender diversity in procurement and supply chain over the years?

We are in a more inclusive environment today and I feel it most by not feeling the ‘odd one out’ often in a meeting room or even a conference. Simple things like not having to walk for miles to a female toilet, access to PPE that actually fits, attractive maternity / adoption leave benefits, groups for working parents and many similar small things organisations can easily do to make it a more inclusive environment. I think a big change in dynamic has been the move to hybrid working (accelerated by the pandemic) which has offered both men and women a possibility for more flexible working while not compromising on performance. I am personally a great advocate of this and believe we should focus on performance and not presenteeism and it has often been these practical restrictions that hold women back.

As a female executive, have you ever had to adapt your leadership style to navigate biases or stereotypes, and if so, how?

I honestly don’t think so and certainly hope not – it is a much-overused phrase, but it is true that it is often our differences are what makes us special. My style is open, collaborative, performance driven and fun and I have tried to stay true to this. I certainly stood out in earlier years when you would often see a more authoritarian style of leadership however my teams have always been recognised as high performers that are energetic and motivated which has given me the space to operate authentically. Equally I have taken time to foster relationships that I can rely on for advice many of which have stayed with me through my career.

What advice would you give to the next generation of women aspiring to leadership roles in procurement and supply chain?

Go for it! It is often our own self-doubts and inhibitions that hold us back but why? Do not be afraid to take a risk on yourself – call on others for help and advice, I have found people are very likely to be generous with this. If you are looking to have a family or have other carer duties make sure you build a support network – whether this is other parents / family / friends as you can’t do it all yourself. Equally build a strong professional network as this can be invaluable and often hard to start but once you do you will find it becomes easier and easier. Most importantly don’t be your own glass ceiling if there is an opportunity that you think you could do then please just have a go – what’s the worse that can happen?!

Looking ahead, what changes still need to happen to create a truly inclusive and equitable industry, and how can both organizations and individuals drive that transformation?

It is up to all of us to ensure we have a wholly inclusive workplace whether this is gender / disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity related or whatever. We must be the people that people want to work with and ensure we are giving opportunities to those that deserve it and not just lean into our personal bias. Clearly practical conditions such as fair and attractive policies help, and these must be in place as a foundation however this is about culture and support. As individuals we must want to be the best as we all want positions based on our merits and not to help DEI targets and so take the time to gain experience and lean into as many opportunities as possible. As senior leaders we have to adopt an inclusive workstyle and workplace, ensure we support our people and stand up to any behaviour that does not meet our core values.