The latest edition of The Business Profile is live!


Ending with a bang!

The final edition of 2023 is headlined by BAT’s Eduardo Chrispim and Rony Moura who provide the details on an innovative Supplier Relationship Management strategy that is setting the tone for a better tomorrow. With supporting content from key SRM transformation partner Vizibl, it is a great example of the multiple doors that can opened when selecting the perfect partner.

Partnership has to be the key focus word from Steven Schools as he discusses an all-encompassing transformation at Vanquis Banking Group where procurement has been placed front and center. Kudos to Barkers Commercial Consultancy who have acted as procurements chief support and received high praise from Steven along with Zoot and UST.

Ana Dias, the first externally hired CPO at Persán provides a fascinating insight into why it will all be about the people and culture as the organisation transforms to meet its extraordinary growth.

Of course, there is much more with content from; Brazil’s leading higher education institute YDUQSprocurement transformation; SpendHQ – procurement performance management & more; Amazon Business – procurement 2024 outlook; plus Mars, Gartner, and Verra.

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The Business Profile Team